The Mecha Japanese Anime TV Series Chōdenji Machine Voltes V is getting a Live Action adaptation titled Voltes V: Legacy which will be 100% fully Filipino made.
According to, Mark Reyes, the Director of Voltes V: Legacy is proud to say that the Live Action adaptation will be “100% Filipino made,” ranging from the cast members, production staff and to the videographic team.
The live action adaptation ensemble main cast includes:
- Miguel Tanfelix as Steve Armstrong
- Radson Flores as Mark Gordon
- Matt Lozano as Big Bert Armstrong
- Raphael Landicho as Little Jon Armstrong
If you are wondering as to why the characters do not share similar names to their Japanese TV series counterparts, according to One Esports, “Similar to the Filipino dub of the anime, GMA’s live-action adaptation uses localized names. Instead of the Goh family, the Armstrong family takes center stage, with brothers Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon as the sibling pilot trio of Voltes V.”
Chōdenji Machine Voltes V had its first episode aired in 1977 and featured a group of heroes operating a formidable battle machine called Voltes V to save the day from ruthless enemies who come from a distant planet trying to conquer Earth.
For further information regarding the live action adaptation you may visit their official website.