Push notifications: full suport of OneSignal's User-Centric Data Model

Can Median be configured to utilize OneSignal's user-centric data model, ensuring that each user has a singular OneSignalId across all logged-in devices? It appears that OneSignal's model supports associating one OneSignalId with multiple subscriptions, but there are uncertainties about Median's compatibility. Can you confirm whether it's currently possible to configure Median in this manner, or if there are plans to support this functionality in the future?

Android App Icons Resource Name

When using OneSignal for Push Notification with Median, we can setup a custom small icon by stating the resource name in the app. Can you specify if Median define the icons / logo set in its configuration / App Studio and state the working resource name ? Best regards, Antoine

Problem with navigator.share() method on native Android app

After building an application with Median, I realized that the navigate.share() method for sharing a file works for iOS but is not supported on Android. What alternatives are there?

about push message (targetUrl & data)

I use one signal push message for my app, I can always receive push message, but Ive encountering some problems: 1. I want to open the link send with the push message, I send the message by rest api with data: when I tap on the message when the app is awake (foreground/background), the app will always open the url successfully. However, if the app is close(swiped away), the push message will awake the app up but doesn't able to open the url anymore, even if I send another push message. What I have to do is shutdown the app then open the app again. So I can open the url by tapping push message.... ```json "data": { "targetUrl":""} ``` 2. Since the last problem occurred, I tried to receive normal data in my app then handler the url by my self. What I did is: I defined a function in my app, but when I tap on the push message, the function doesn't get called. But indeed see the function is defined, because I turn up debug mode and able to log the function and call the function out. But I cant receive the data. Please help, thank you! ```javascript window.median_onesignal_push_opened = function(data) { console.log('push notification data received:', data) } ```

Upload Certificate

How do I get an upload certificate added to my app, the documentation says to contact support but I can't find contact info?

Badge in bottom tab bar

Hi! I'd like to use the bottom tab bar. Aside from the basic functionality, I also need to display a badge on one of the bar items whenever I receive a push notification. Is it possible to achieve this with the bottom tab bar?

Video player opens unexpectedly when launching iOS app, but no video played

Hello, Recently, users have started reporting an issue with our iOS app. When launching the app, they're seeing a black screen. Tapping the phone screen then reveals the video playback controls and shows that the app is attempting to play a 0:00 second video. We can tap on the X to close the video player and then use the app as normal, however, this isn't ideal. It doesn't occur in the following scenarios: - On <> wen using the App Builder Simulator, for either iOS or Android. - Using a virtual Android device emulator through Android Studio It does happen when using a physical iPhone. The above suggests to me that it's not an issue on our website, as one would expect to see the same issue when using the Median Simulator or in Android Studio emulator. Given that it's happening on multiple physical iPhones, I can only assume that it's an issue with the iOS app itself. However, I'm not sure how to proceed with investigating this issue, or whether I can actually do anything about it if it's an issue with the app itself.

HTML5 Video Issues

Hi there, I'm trying to run my site using median. How my site works is that I use javascript to cycle through a list of videos. The SRC tag gets updated when the video ends. For some reason, in the transition between the videos, a weird icon shows. What is this and how can I change it or get rid of it? For reference this is the icon i see <>

Error building android app

Hello! I've been successfully building my Android app for a very long time, but suddenly this morning I received the following error: Error building Android app (Reference #1705678290). Please contact us for support. Subsequent attempts also failed. iOS app still builds fine. What could be the issue? Thanks!

How do I determine whether I have left the mobile application for an external link?

Hello. How can I determine whether I have left the mobile application for an external link or not?