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赛车1分钟历史开奖记录+最新开奖号码直播:Convert your website into an app

详细记录每一期的开奖结果,提供实时直播服务,让用户即刻获取最新的开奖号码,增强参与乐趣。Enter your website URL to build native iOS and Android mobile apps, and preview immediately in your browser.

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Free to Try

Build native apps directly in your browser. No mobile development required.

100% Guarantee

We guarantee your app will be approved by the Apple App Store & Google Play.

Median.co App Builder
Free to try

Build native apps directly in your browser. No mobile development required.

100% guarantee

We guarantee your app will be approved by the Apple App Store & Google Play.

simple steps

How to make a website an app: 3 simple steps

Step 1: Enter your website URL

Develop & Customize

Develop a full-feature native mobile app in our App Studio. Simply enter your URL and see your app come to life in seconds.

Step 2: Test & Preview

Test & Preview

Ensure your app will look and perform as intended by testing it on our suite of mobile device simulators, or your own physical device.

Step 3: Publish & Launch

Publish & Launch

Publish your app on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store so users can find and download your app.

case studies

Real stories from our customers

Learn how Median customers build full-feature mobile apps quickly, easily, and cost-effectively.

See all case studies

“Having Median manage our apps keeps us in the business of serving our clients and innovating new ways to help them, instead of the app development business.”

Rich Wiklund Headshot
Rich Wiklund
Founder & CEO, BenefitsApp.com
17 apps
built with Median
1 million
app users

“With Median concierge service, all we had to do was provide icons and branding, and they managed the rest! Our app was live in both app stores 2 weeks later.”

Nicholas Frankenstein Headshot
Nicholas Frankenstein
COO of Investment Advisory Services, Conrad Siegel
2 weeks
time to launch
app users

“Median has strong capabilities out of the box, allowing us to provide all kinds of services in one app ... [We] don't have specialized mobile developers, so Median makes building native apps possible.”

Mohammad Qamar Headshot
Mohammad Qamar
Director of Technology Innovation-Corporate Systems, AON
2 weeks
time to launch
app users
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Median powers thousands of published apps, reaching millions of users

Whether you’re a web developer, fast-growing startup, or Fortune 500 company, Median helps you launch and support native iOS and Android apps with ease.

See more example apps
instant preview

Enter any URL to build your app

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Native plugin library

More than a wrapper app

Incorporate push notifications, social login, in-app purchases, and much more. Our native plugins give you access to device hardware, native functionality, and third-party integrations. Build a powerful hybrid app with every native feature needed.

View all plugins
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All plugins interface with your website
through the Median JavaScript Bridge.

Low–code app development

The Median JavaScript Bridge is a powerful API connecting your app and website. Don't let lack of iOS and Android development expertise get in your way – easily add native app features without writing native code.

//Invoke native “Share” menu
//Keep device screen on without going to sleep
//Hide the status bar

//Set the top status bar
median.statusbar.set({'color': '#007aff', 'overlay': true})
//Select a bottom tab bar item, if enabled
//Launch the ATT consent prompt on iOS 14.5 and later

//Get user’s contacts from address book
//Start a Twilio video call using the native SDK
//Log an event to Google Analytics

Learn more in our docs
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Demo Apps

168极速赛车在线开奖+计划软件免费版:Need to convert a website into iOS or Android apps?

Take a look

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We can do both

全天24小时在线开奖,保证您不会错过任何一场激动人心的比赛。平台免费提供计划软件,助您制定更精准的投注策略,提高中奖概率。Test out our demo apps powered by our website median.app
These apps run on our cloud-based simulators and stream directly to your browser.

iOS Logo

Easily add native navigation menus that follow Apple Design Guidelines.

Try it
Android Logo

Add native navigation menus that follow Google’s Material Design.

Try it
Median provides feature parity between iOS and Android.Focus on providing an exceptional web experience for users, and trust Median for all your native app development.
See example apps built using Median
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You've got questions?
We've got answers.

Our customers usually ask us these important questions. Need more information? You can learn even more in our Documentation or our Support Forum. Or, Contact Us and our dedicated team will assist.

More FAQs
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How long does it take to turn my website into an app?

Will this work with my website?

What's different than a basic webview wrapper app?

What happens if something changes on my website?

How much does it cost to turn my website into an app?

Can I publish a webview app to the app store?