Remove conflicts from the manifest (...),

Hello, I haven't used Median (GoNative) for a long time, i am trying to upload a fresher APK on Google PlayStore. It gives me the following error : Votre APK ou votre Android App Bundle doit porter le nom de package fr.(my app name).app. Supprimez les conflits du fichier manifeste avant l'importation. Les autorités de fournisseur de contenu suivantes sont utilisés par d'autres développeurs :, Your APK or Android App Bundle must have the package name Remove conflicts from the manifest file before importing. The following content provider authorities are used by other developers:, I don't know what to do.

[Bottom navigation tab] - Query

Hello, When we use the bottom nav bar, if we want to put our custom icons in the tab "icon", how do we embed the icons from the project assets. Thanks

How can I change the email address to contact with?

The person worked with GoNative at the beginning no longer work for the company, so we need to change the contacted email address to the new one. REDACTED

Opening another application

Hello can you please tell me if it is possible to add a function to the navigation button to open another application, not a site but an application, that is, I need to insert in the button not a link, but something else, but what? I need that the user clicked on the button it opened another application, not the site, but the application, how do I do it correctly? If there is such a possibility.

I have a questions.

1. App is not intalled. Is it possible to translate or change the wording? 2. There is a message from median to force update the app on iOS, under what circumstances does this message appear, and can users suddenly encounter this error? 3. When I come back after completing a payment through the card payment module in my app, it says INVAILD SSL CERTIFICATE like this. Is there a workaround?

Could not install apk in paydroid device pax a910

I converted an apps which is working android phone successfully but when I am trying to install it in paydroid device like pax a910, I could not install it. What to do?

what kind of SDK do I use?

If I'm just converting a website into an app, what kind of SDK do I use? Can you answer my question? Google play asked me.

PDF download file not working

Hello, it seems that file download is not working on our app but works in most common browsers. Right now, there are instances the pdf shows only but no options and another one is that it doesn't work already. Here's the code: ``` function downloadPdf(link) { // ref: if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("gonative") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("median") > -1 ) { // ref: const downloadFile = median?.share?.downloadFile || gonative?.share?.downloadFile; if (downloadFile) { downloadFile({ url: link }); return; } } window.location.href = link; } ```

Guaranteed Approval

Hello, when I paid to access median it said that there was guaranteed approval but my app keeps being rejected. How do I access this guaranteed service?

ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement

Why do I see this message when publishing on Apple App Store? How can I fix this? "ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement"