Is redirect when first opening app removed when I purchase the full version?

When I open the app, rather than opening my url directly, it opens `` first, and that url then redirects to my actual app url. Is this redirect removed in the paid version? I ask this, because that redirect prevents the cookies from being available to my app when it is first opened, and I must refresh the page to get the cookies. My app uses cookies for login information. Here is a screenshot: <>

Cart counter

How can i implement a cart icon on the median platform that shows the number of products in the cart? i have the cart icon already on the navigation bar but i looks weird not the know how many items you have in your cart without clicking on it.

Debugging Google social login

I have integrated the social login plugin for Facebook successfully, but I'm struggling to get sufficient debugging information to troubleshoot the Google login. I am using the Javascript callback method and all I get is error code "10". Is it possible to also log e.getStatusMessage() for the specific error details? ```java // The ApiException status code indicates the detailed failure reason. // Please refer to the GoogleSignInStatusCodes class reference for more information. Log.w(TAG, "Google SignIn result failed = " + e.getStatusCode()); ``` Thanks!

How FaceID, TouchID, Android biometric plugin store secret data?

I'm using FaceID, TouchID, Android biometric plugin, can I ask how Median save our secret? Just encrypt and save in device storage or anywhere in Median cloud - if yes, how can we retrieve/delete that data? Thanks! ![](

app created on desktop verion of website

heyy i have a website with payment gateway which have different options on mobile version and desktop version . i want mobile version to be converted into apk but i will create apk from desktop site .

Android crashes with push notifications enabled

I enabled push notifications using OneSignal and it works well for Apple but crashes for Android. It looks like this could be in the integration with OneSignal based on the NoSuchMethodException in the following crash log: D/InputMethodManager( 7680): showSoftInput(){81a79e6 VFEDHVC.. .F...... 0,0-1080,2064 aid=1073741826} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT I/AssistStructure( 7680): Flattened final assist data: 5476 bytes, containing 1 windows, 29 views W/OnBackInvokedCallback( 7680): OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. W/OnBackInvokedCallback( 7680): Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. D/InsetsController( 7680): show(ime(), fromIme=true) D/EGL_emulation( 7680): app_time_stats: avg=89.53ms min=1.42ms max=454.08ms count=11 W/System.err( 7680): java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: n1.c.onOSSubscriptionChanged [class com.onesignal.m3] W/System.err( 7680): at java.lang.Class.getMethod( W/System.err( 7680): at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.z2.c(Unknown Source:45) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.OSSubscriptionChangedInternalObserver.a(Unknown Source:17) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.OSSubscriptionChangedInternalObserver.changed(Unknown Source:0) W/System.err( 7680): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.z2.c(Unknown Source:71) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.OSSubscriptionState.j(Unknown Source:23) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.d4.o2(Unknown Source:12) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.o5.f0(Unknown Source:0) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.s5$d.b(Unknown Source:64) W/System.err( 7680): at com.onesignal.r4$ Source:4) W/System.err( 7680): at D/EGL_emulation( 7680): app_time_stats: avg=23.25ms min=1.51ms max=201.13ms count=25 D/EGL_emulation( 7680): app_time_stats: avg=137.44ms min=49.78ms max=271.05ms count=8 D/InputMethodManager( 7680): showSoftInput(){81a79e6 VFEDHVC.. .F...... 0,0-1080,1307 aid=1073741826} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT I/AssistStructure( 7680): Flattened final assist data: 5504 bytes, containing 1 windows, 29 views D/InsetsController( 7680): show(ime(), fromIme=true) D/EGL_emulation( 7680): app_time_stats: avg=131.64ms min=52.34ms max=226.12ms count=9 D/EGL_emulation( 7680): app_time_stats: avg=150.19ms min=83.43ms max=269.10ms count=7 D/EGL_emulation( 7680): app_time_stats: avg=432.33ms min=300.33ms max=512.77ms count=3 W/k1.h0 ( 7680): getInfo: Cannot get carrierNames, READ_PHONE_STATE not granted E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1 E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): Process:, PID: 7680 E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground() E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at android.os.AsyncTask$4.done( E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion( E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException( E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int java.util.Map.size()' on a null object reference E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at java.util.HashMap.putMapEntries( E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at java.util.HashMap.putAll( E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at p1.c.a(Unknown Source:29) E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at Source:2) E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at$b.a(Unknown Source:22) E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at$b.doInBackground(Unknown Source:2) E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at android.os.AsyncTask$ E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): at E/AndroidRuntime( 7680): ... 4 more I/Process ( 7680): Sending signal. PID: 7680 SIG: 9
ANSWERED Permission

Hello, We changed our app splash screen. We rebuilt the app and attempted to upload it to Google Play, but we received the following error: "This release includes the permission but your declaration on Play Console says your app doesn't use advertising ID." Our last upload to the play store was on November 3rd, where we declared we were not using an advertising ID and did not encounter this error when uploading. We haven't changed any other Median settings besides the splash screen. I compared our appConfig.json from our previous release to our current. The only difference I see are the expected changes to the splash screen and ids added to: ``` "regexInternalExternal": { "active": true, "rules": [ { ``` Is there another place to check for differences in the builds? We are not using Google AdMob, or anything that would be using it, so unsure where the permission is coming from. Thank you,

How do you make your free app go live?

I have created my app under the free platform. How do I make it live and searchable?

Listen SMS

median has implemented some function in the brige javascript, to be able to listen to the sms and thus be able to confirm a pin or confirmation code of the users, for example send to pin 345938 and thus listen to it and confirm a password, example <>

How to handle google auth or any other auth?

Median use webview. I read about google auth won't allow auth on webview. Is anyone has encountered this problem?